Monday, August 9, 2010


Its been a little while. I think my last entry was before Alyssa's Bday party. It went well. All the kids had fun. I believe 12 total came. Alyssa got alot of great gifts. Necklaces, bracelets rings, clothes and a BARBIE! She loves Barbies. At the party someone was sick, so all the kids got sick, including mine. Then the next Sunday Tristan woke up, puked and then screamed for a few hours. After I couldn't get him to calm down, I decided to take him to the ER. As we were getting ready, I noticed him pull his ear, so I walked over to him and gently touched his ear, he cried, so I knew it was an ear infection then. I put some ear ache relief drops in his ear and me, him and Alyssa loaded up in the car and drove the 20 min drive to the hospital. He wasn't crying when we got there, in fact he was so happy I almost left. But he did have an ear infection. So he is better now. Alyssa is going to her Aunt Amber's today to stay for a few days. She has her school physical soon. I have to get her a lunch box. She got a cool Disney Princess blanket from her Tia for her Bday, so she is going to take that one to PreK. I am excited, but nervous for her to start preK.

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