Sunday, June 27, 2010

Skipped Saturday and straight to Sunday!

Well, I did the dumbest thing ever. I forgot to pay my Marine's cell bill this week. I am SOOOOOOOO mad at myself. UGH! The only lines of communication we have and I fucked it up. I am very upset. I have been so busy with the kids and life that it totally slipped my mind. Out of all things. I probably missed his call today because of MY stupidity. Grrrrrr. I am just hoping they havent got their phones yet. I want to talk to him. I am so mad. I tried calling it today and DUH the subscriber was not available. I paid it, so hopefully I get a call. And I can imagine he might have been looking forward to that call all week or day and he couldn't use his phone.

~OMG! I got a phone call from Hector!!!!!!!!!!! I didn't miss it. I am so thrilled. I needed it at that time. I was so stressed with the kids and the phone bill. So happy.

Its time for me to study again... until next time....


Friday, June 25, 2010

Fun Friday

Well, I don't know if FUN is the right description. Today, I have to go to the acedemic advisor for ECC. I might have to take Tristan if my friend is not back home yet. I hope she is. I really don't want to take his rowdy ass, but the apt. is during his sleep time, so he may be sleeping. Then I have to go pick Alyssa up from my parents. She had a great time yesterday at camp and today is water day, they have slip n slides, sprinklers and other water things. No pool, next wednesday they are going to a pool. I think they will ride a school bus and I know alyssa will love that alone. She has never been on a bus, she has always wanted to ride one. The small things in life.... I love that my kids remind me all the time about how the small things can make someones day. I try to remember that and smile and just be nice or say Hi to people, especially with my kids. Its hard for me because I get so mad so easily, especially with other people's ignorance and I just want to rip their damn heads off. I can and usually will be a bitch, but I am trying to make this world just a little happier..... Myself included. Well, until later. I need to go study before I get my Alyssa back.....


Well, I haven't been on to blog in a few days. Been really busy with invitations to the party, studying for my resident life and variable annuities liscence and cleaning my house and go thru toys in between. A mothers job is never done. My husband is going to be surprised hopefully. Alyssa went otu to my parents house today. A few miles from where they live, they are having a day camp this week and next week. Of course, she missed most of this week, which is ok. She has all her friends there from near my parents house. She rode a horse last night for a few hours too. She loves horses.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Manic Monday

I wasn't really planning to do anything today, but this morning I looked up Pump It Up to go over to book Alyssa's birthday Party. She wanted to jump today and they had a 5 hour block that they had open for jump time to celebrate the first day of summer. I booked her party and it is a GLOW in the dark party. She is going to love it. Then the kids and I went to walmart, yay. I had to get Tristan Diapers and new sippy cups. I also bought a fan. I need one for the living room. We left there and headed back home, but we made a quick stop to Publix to order her cake for the party. She picked out a Barbie cake. She loves barbie. I had training tonight for the primerica thing, but I had a long ass day. Khris finally came over tonight and I didn't want to leave my kids with her. I haven't been back to the gym. I feel really bad about it too. I am also way off of my diet. I suck. I feel like nobody wants to help me as much as they say they do. Everyone has their own lives, but I guess I was wrong to listen to someone telling me they would help with watching the kids. I am definately not going to be going back to school if I can't get anyone to watch Tristan. Alyssa can go to VPK. I got Alyssa some cool Cars shoes today for her birthday. I also got her a cute shirt. Well, ta ta for now......

Sunday, June 20, 2010

happy father's day.

So today was long. I got up around 8 with the kids and my sister called and let me know she was on her way to my house. Anybody that knows my dad, knows the way to his heart is 2 ways, 1, food and well, 2 is not really appropiate for my blog. So when my sister got to my house, we got in my car and went to the grocery store and I went and got my dad some good cuts of deli meat. He loved corned beef. LOL, it sounds crazy, but he loves food. We went out to their house and spent a few hours there. My parent's dog, BB, had 4 puppies last night sometime, 2 girls and 2 boys. One of the girls did not make it. So we have 3 puppies. I am probably going to keep one when they get older, but I want to see their personalities first. I need a dog that can move fast, play hard and run alot. My kids will have the dog worn out if it isn't. Alyssa loves baby animals and she is so thrilled with them. Around 2, we left their house and me and Jeni found a couch on craigslist for free, so we went to get it. Well, talk about CRAZY CAT LADY. I thought it had a little cat hair on it. Um, alittle???????????? I could probable make 90 full body cat wigs out of all the hair that is on that damn thing. There is no way that shit is coming in my house. I am going to clean it and leave it on my back porch for people to sit on. I will probably get a cover for it too. No way in hell tho. lol, I got a furry couch. While I was helping my sister and Earl load the fuzzball I mean, couch, Hector was calling my cell phone. I missed it the first time. We were leaving and my friend called me and told me to call him. So I called his cell. We only got to talk for about 10 minutes and Alyssa got to tell her Daddy "Happy Father's Day!" We brought the couch back to my house and put it on the porch. Then I felt so dirty from the car hair, I went and took a shower, cleaned my thing bling and got dressed and called Khris to meet me at McDs so the kids could eat and play in the play area. They all ate then played for an hour. Then I opened the bathroom door and hit Ayvah's toe and pulled the skin back on it. She was so mad at me. I felt so bad. I am usually good about remembering about kids, I have 2, but I wasn't paying attention. I let my guard down for a few minutes and I hurt a baby, not even MY baby. I brought the kids home and bathed them. I am getting them ready to go to sleep now. Good night and good luck!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

So tired.

Well, I had a long day. This morning, I went to breakfast with Jeni. Big V, yum. I love greasy, homemade breakfast every once in a while. Then we went and Jeni got her hair cut and we both got our eyebrows waxed. I need to go get my hair done, but I am going to wait until it is almost time for Hector to come home. Then Jeni came back to the house, my parents dropped off Alyssa, she wanted to come home. She has a big girl bike with training wheels now. My little girl is getting so big, almost 4 years old. Jeni went home for a little while and the guy from Primerica came over and we did my "orientation" which consists of nothing really. Jeni and her family showed up soon after and we got started on our stuff. We need people that we can practice on and I am so not into asking people to come to their house and do a presentation. I like that this company does not advertise and we only get people by referrals, but I am soooooo not a people person. I have to break out of that shell. I thought this would be good for me to meet new people too. I am going to try. We shall see. Tomorrow is Father's Day and I don't want to leave the house. I might miss a phone call from Hector. I would be pissed if I missed another one. <3


Yesterday, I guess I started on a new journey. I joined this company called Primerica. I am still not sure exactly how it works, but I am excited because I can make money. The company also pays for me to get a few liscences that cost 500-700 dollars each. Just that alone makes me ahead to have the liscences. It is helping families to get the most out of their money. Their goal is not to make money, it is to help people. It is perfect, I can work out of my home and do as little or as much as I want. I have alot on my plate and I want to be able to help out on the bills. Maybe this has come into my life at the right time now.
Well, I had a fun night last night. My parents still had Alyssa and I wanted to go do something Friday night. So I tried to get Khris to go out with me, but she wasn't having it. Then Jeni called. I asked her if she wanted to go to the tattoo shop with me to do my VCH piercing. She said sure!!!!!!!! I asked Khris to watch Tristan for a little while and Jeni and I were on our way. My stomach was in knots. It is bad enough to take your pants off for the Dr, but for a piercer???? OMG. I was nervous. SOOO nervous. So when I got to Needful Things, the only piercer that was there ON A FRIDAY NIGHT doesn't do genital piercing. So, I was so bummed. The people that own Needful Things bought Pleasures of the Flesh a few years back (where I got my naval pierced 10 years ago). The piercer's Boyfriend works at the other shop and a coworked that does genitals piercings was bringing him down to downtown FT myers. So she called the girl, Erica and asked her if she would do it for me since I came a long way and had to find people to watch my kids. So, about 9:45 pm the Erica got there and I went back with her. She did her speech about cleansing etc etc and we got to it. They measure the length of your "hood" and they find an appropiate length bar and then well, they pierce it. I was breathing normal until she did it and my body did an involuntary response. My whole body jumps and I let out this huge GASP. It felt like a pinch. As soon as it was over, there was no pain. I haven't felt ANY pain since then. It is almost like it never happened. I love it and I am so glad I got it. I recommend any woman to get it.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Of course I did.....

So last night after I got home, I noticed my mom had called like 6 times in a 15 minute period around 6:30. Well, I tried calling her back at 10, but I figured they were sleeping. I was worried if something happened to Alyssa. Well, I talked to my mom this morning and she was 3 way calling me because Hector called. His Master Sgt. let him borrow his phone and call. Alyssa got to talk to her daddy, but I missed it. Ugh, oh well. Why did I have to go to the mall? I am kinda bummed. He didn't know my house number by heart, he had it in his cell, which they take. We just got the phone # the day he left. I hope he gets to call this Sunday on his cell phone so he can call me. Well, I got to go. I need to clean up. I am expecting visitors around lunch time. I am going to try to do something to make some money and we are going to be chatting about that......

Good Day.

Its been 10 days since my husband left. I love him and I miss him so much. I finally got a letter from him today. He is having a good time where he is. My husband, U.S. Marine. I miss him, but time has been flying. I am trying to keep myself busy, but I am just now starting to get over the cold that me and the kids caught a few weeks ago. I am getting more energy everyday. I have TRIED changing alot of my bad habits with food. I have been avoiding Soda, chips, fast food, etc. Today I did cheat and eat a philly cheesestake sub from charley's when I went to the mall. I feel bad that I cheated tonight, but I have been down and it is hard to change alot all at once. I have been eating alot more veggies instead of junk. Tonight I wanted chips, so I ate sliced green bell pepper with some of my favorite seasoning, Everglades Seasoning with no MSG, It's not the same but it was satisfing. All I really want is that crunch and salt. I haven't went back to see my trainer again. She probably thinks I am never coming back, lol. I haven't had anybody to watch the kids. My BFF is busy tomorrow, so maybe if she gets back early she can watch Tristan. Alyssa went to stay at her grandparents house for a day or so. I went to the mall tonight with friends tonight. They are expecting a baby, sooooo excited for them. I just hope all goes well with it and they deliver a healthy baby. I am a downer because it is hard for me to say "WHEN the baby gets here" instead of "IF the baby gets here safely." I know the statistics on stillborns and miscarriages all to well. I hate that my mind goes to that everytime instead of being ignorant like I used to be, before my angel, Dominic was born still. I never dreamed that a baby could die in our day in age before they were born. I knew it could happen, but not as often as it does. "Stillbirth is a relatively common, but often random, occurrence. The mean stillbirth rate in the United States is approximately 1 in 115 births, which is roughly 26,000 stillbirths each year, or on an average one every 20 minutes." -Taken off of Wikipedia. Who coulda thunk it? Not me. Moving on, I don't want to dwell on the past. I love my son, but he is with Jesus now, I can't change that. I will see him again one day. Until then, Dominic needs me to take care of his brother, sister, daddy and mommy. We need to be here and living our life. Well, Good Night All.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Well, well.

Today I am being soooooo lazy. I am so exhausted all the time for some reason. I am not preggo. I want to lose weight so bad, but I have lost all motivation. I don't want to diet, I don't want to work out. Today, I have fed the kids and started laundry. I am watching the news now. I don't understand what America wants Obama to do with this oil spill. All the republicans were crying that they did not want the government to regulate or be involved in the oil industry in the last few years. OH NOW there's a OIL disaster and you want the GOVERNMENT involved???? Really? It's just something else that they can try to hold against Obama. I am dumbfounded that America is feeding into this BS. What are we suppose to do? Go to war with BP? Isn't DRILL BABY DRILL the GOPs motto? Oh no, now there is a disaster and its Obama's fault? Give me a break you morons. Its ALL of our faults. We use gas EVERYDAY ALLDAY. Oh you don't drive? Well, trucks drive to get your food, goods and other stuff where it needs to be. Plastic is made up of oil by products. We need to pressure our government to start changing our lives like, helping us find alternative fuel sources, give tax breaks to those who do, start charging big oil more taxes instead of kissing their asses. I don't really care what we have to do, we need to change. People are scared of change until we have had enough. We are not a nation of old white people anymore. We don't have to listen to what our elders say, we need to take charge and change our lives for us, our children, our grand-children and our world! Nobody else sees we are killing our Earth? All of these natural disasters can't be a coincidence. Nobody elses sees this? And yet, who cares? When we all are facing death, we might care then.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Well, I didn't something hilariously embarassing tonight. I sent a mass message on Facebook to all of my family, my sisters in law, my brother in law and even my mother in law and a few friends. I was messing with my one friend from Homestead telling her I was considering getting a VCH piercing. For those of you who do not know, that is a vertical clitoris hood piercing. Well, neither of us realized that facebook does a global messaging and EVERYBODY I messaged, could see what I wrote. I was and still am so embarassed. It is not true and I can only imagine what they are going to think if they read it all. Those poor bastards!!!!!!!! I laughed for about 15 minutes when I realized what I did. Oh well. Now they can wonder if I really did do it. Does she have the bling bling in her thing thing??? LMFAO. I hope I am not the talk of the family.... I went out any visited my parents today. I cheated on my diet. I don't have the modivation right now to do it. Maybe a VCH can motivate me lmfao. Good night and good luck.

Monday, June 14, 2010

First Step

Today I didn't do a whole lot. I was up last night worrying a little about Alyssa. I woke her up a few times. I also kept hearing noise in my house. I got out my 12 gauge and walked around my house and checked all the nooks and crannys. I don't worry about anybody coming to my house, but the noises freaked me out. I was standing near the dishwasher and heard what I was hearing coming from the dishwasher. I think I have a mouse. That mouse almost caught some buckshot. Just Kidding, but I was ready to blow something away. So I was up last night a little late. Then my kids woke up bright and early at 0630. Tristan and I fell back asleep and Alyssa watched TV for a little while. My friend came over to watch the kids so I could go have my first session with my personal trainer. She was really nice and showed me how to work on my shoulders and back. I felt great afterwards. I haven't felt that good in awhile. Until next time.....

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Later Sunday....

I guess my day was not over. I think I mentioned my new dining room table in a previous post. Well, my inlaws never took the plastic off of the chairs. We were getting ready to eat dinner and I was in the kitchen getting drinks for the kids. I turned around just in time to see my beautiful 3 year old daughter slip and fall off of the dining room chair and slam her head into the table leg and bounce off of that and slam the other side of her head into the ceramic tile. I picked her up, she was crying and I started talking to her while I was holding her and she started to talk to me and she tensed up and passed out for about 10-15 seconds. While she was out, I called to my friend that was there with her 2 kids, my BFF and told her to call 911. They were there within 4-5 minutes, I live right near the ambulance station. She was acting normal once the ambulance got here. They checked her out and didn't think she had a concussion. I decided not to transport her. They told me things to watch for and advice. Well, good night blog and see you manana..... I start with my personal trainer tomorrow. I hope to lose weight before my marine comes home. He loves me the way I am, but I want to lose weight for me, for my life, for my children. I want to be around to be old, really old. I want to see great grandchildren.

My Sunday

Well, today I was hoping for a phone call from my marine. I was told he might get to call home on Sundays while away, but no call today. The day is not over, but I am sure I won't here from him. I also just found out some info that stresses me out. He might not have much longer in training and I have to adjust my budget. Interesting stuff I talk about, lol. My In-laws came up yesterday and my FIL is a OCD cleaner. He cleans and works from morning until he gets tired. He is also 69 years old, so I don't know where all his energy comes from. They brought me a dining room table since we just moved and we have NOTHING after 21 months of living with my family. My poor hubby was a product of the sucky economy and the "good ol' boy" system. He was unemployed for 18 months. Then he reached his dream, becoming a United States Marine. Everything happens for a reason and I am so proud of him. Until next time, my friends.

Losing my blog Virginity

I guess this is it. I have decided to start blogging. I am a SAHM with 2 kids and a husband in the United States Marine Corps. I have been through alot in the last few years. I need "someone" to talk to. That "someone" is my blog, my followers, and you. I have a few friends. Some I can trust, some I can't. I live near my crazy family. I don't know why I would think anybody would want to read what I have to say, but it is good for me to have while my husband is away. I am starting a new life In 2 days. For the next few months, I am going on a diet and I have also hired a personal trainer. I have had 3 kids in 2 years and my youngest is 19 months. I am tired of being overweight. I am a comfort eater. When my middle child, Dominic was born dead, I really started eating. I am about 240 lbs now. My goal is to get down to 160 or so. I ate away my time when my hubby was in boot camp. I don't want to be like that. I want to be here to watch my kids grow and graduate and get married. I would like to be healthy enough to have another child one day. I love my babies. I am sure there is plenty of time for me to write about my children. I will tell that story one day one I am ready. So this is me, an overweight SAHM that needs to talk. Talk to anybody that will listen. I want to talk about my weight, my son, my daughter, my angel son, my husband being gone, my friends, my crazy ass family and well, me. I got to go now. Almost 1 AM, Tristan will have me up bright and early, Alyssa will probably sleep in and my inlaws are here. I just moved into a new place, they brought me a dining room table and chairs. I have really good inlaws. Peace out, good night and good riddance.